Take Your Business to the Next Level With Financing Solutions That Will Boost Sales, grow profits, and retain your valuable customers!
What is vendor financing?
Vendor financing is lending money to a customer to finance equipment (vehicles, software, etc.) a vendor sells. This added convenience empowers customers to purchase the equipment they need without leaving your showroom or lot. Union Commercial Capital will handle everything – from simple application to final funding!
Is vendor financing a good idea?
Yes! Some of the most successful equipment vendors (regardless of industry) in the United States offer in-house financing to their customers. Our VendorConnect financing program offers more payment flexibility, and the results can be more sales, more profits, and repeat customers.
How can financing help my vendor business?
When customers are ready to make a purchase, payment hassle is the last thing you need. Losing the sale to a competitor is not an option. Offering in-house financing to your customers is a value-added convenience they will appreciate and often expect. It can also help you sell more equipment faster!
Does it cost anything to become a vendor partner?
No. It will not cost you anything to be an Union Commercial Capital partner.
Do vendor partners get paid quickly?
Yes! Once the equipment is delivered, you can expect to receive payment within one business day. Also, be sure to ask us about pre-funding!
How do I become a Union Commercial Capital vendor partner?
1. Submit a simple online application or call us at (855) 700-0057
2. Get a prompt decision
3. Once your application is approved, we can start funding your customers
Up to 100% Pre-funding
Wide Credit Windows
Deferred Payments
Competitive Rates & Terms
100% financing + soft costs
Turnkey financing solutions
Private Label Programs & Joint Marketing Services
Application-only: up to $350,000!
Onsite Sales Training & Website Support
A Proven Equipment Vendor Financing Program
Union Commercial Capital has you covered when it comes to financing your customers’ equipment purchases. We are a top-rated, full-service finance company that offers equipment vendor financing, and our industry-leading program is designed to help you move more inventory. Over the years, we have helped many vendor partners close deals quickly. Our proven program encompasses equipment financing, private label financing, and an online sales management system.
As you know, closing equipment deals can be challenging. Throughout the path-to-purchase, prospective customers compare equipment brands, models, features, and prices to narrow down their choices. Therefore, when customers visit your showroom or lot and know what type of equipment they want, you must present them with easy financing options.
When you become a Union Commercial Capital vendor partner, you will have access to our online sales management system, VendorConnect. Built from the ground up, this cloud-based system lets you run sales reports, create estimates, and submit applications. You can also connect directly with our underwriters if you have credit-related questions. All these fantastic features save time, meaning you can focus on your customers’ needs and sales efforts.
Why Partner with Union Commercial Capital?
Busy business owners do not want to waste their time with a long and complicated equipment financing process. With Union Commercial Capital, they will not have to. We keep our application simple so that it can be completed quickly. If your customer’s application is approved and they decide to move forward, your Union Commercial Capital funding specialist will help facilitate the deal and answer any questions you have.
Lastly, our ability to provide prompt funding means your customers can get their equipment promptly, and you can be paid faster.